Monday, 15 September 2014

The future British isles?

Okay , so this  was a prank. But it's the  reality  of a yes  vote, isn't  it??


  1. rebel Orkney and Shetland16 September 2014 at 00:54

    If Scotland votes YES it will be on your own time, and Orkney and Shetland will be petitioning Westminster for their own referendum having being refused by Edinburgh.Orkney and Shetland are the only people with a sensible case for splitting. Their land was stolen and given to a foreign king, and then they were forced to change language. It their oil and they will be rich

  2. That'll really piss off the nats! Without the oil, the socialist paradise that they want to create will be doomed...

  3. Hi

    I've kinda figured that the Irish and Scottish nationalists prefer rule from Brussels or even Berlin, so hateful are they towards the English.

  4. So we're that desperate we're looking at betting slips now??? Oy vey.

  5. I think that they really do care, the oil is running out, so hardly a a reason to keep Scotland in. Also Labour have greater justification for keeping the union and 50 Labour MPs. So I don't think this is all political calculations.

  6. True. Which is why atheists argument below is so ludicrous.

  7. Sadly, I agree that is the nationalist mentality.

  8. Reads like a potential plot from a Tom Clancy novel. But I like the idea!

  9. Rather conspiracy esque of you, but no surprise. I really think the passion is real here, on all sides.

  10. Interesting way of coming to conclusion. What about the tea leaves?

  11. Thankfully it didn't happen that way :)


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