Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Celebrating Shavout, Pentecost or Cheesecake

This time next week we shall be starting the festival of Shavout or Pentecost. Readers will note that this is nothing to do with the current Christian festival of Pentecost, but to do with celebrating the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. You can read the facts here at the Wikipedia entry, which saves us the time of having to describe what goes on, as what is more interesting and important is not just describing the rose, but to be able to feel it, to smell it as well as to enjoy its beauty. Over the next couple of days we're going to delve into some of the aspects of this festival, which will hopefully help us all gain a greater understanding, to reach a deeper level- e.g. a look at the Ten Commandments, the Akdamut,  Tikkun Leil Shavuot ,the book of Ruth & of course the food that we eat during this festival. Including cheesecake. Which is the name of the festival according to my eldest daughter. 

Can't think why....?


  1. Yep! It is the cheesecake festival all right :)

  2. The festival of cheesecake does sound better! Um, what would that be in Hebrew?

  3. Yes, it is cheescake time! Yeah!

  4. Well, it seems that there is a growing consensus on this thread then about cheesecake and this festival.

  5. Personally I can't stand cheesecake! Ugh, thankfully Sephardi cuisine has more than that on Shavout!

  6. Cheesecake it is! But don't you Sefardi have different foods to that?


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