Saturday, 12 July 2014

Davros ?

Hey All ,

Latest Dr Who trailers. Starts 23rd August 2014. 

Looks like Davros and the Daleks are back. 

Plus the one which was released a couple of weeks ago  :

Discuss .


  1. Aw, can't wait for the return of WHO! New Who, new Star Trek ! All we need now is new STNG which would be icing on the cake. Nerd overload! (:

  2. So umm... where can I read these leaked scripts?

  3. I like Dr Who, not sure if I can get it in Israel, though.

  4. Dominique Vasilkovsky13 July 2014 at 19:19

    Who is back, yeah! Is that really Davros? Moffat doesn't play things so simply. It could be a ruse to get us all going. I haven't looked for the scripts and have no intention of looking for them or reading them. That's what I like about WHO- it gives us all surprises without spoonfeeding us all!

  5. Dominique Vasilkovsky13 July 2014 at 19:20

    Hi Hannah,

    Exactly my thoughts! But is it really Khan? Didn't he die on the Dalek mother ship? BUt then so did Davros apparently.

  6. I'm sure we'll find out. But it does en 'arf sound like Davros. We know the Cybermen are going to be in the final, so who knows!!

  7. god I hope they don't cock it up. it's been such a good run so far...

  8. There is too much on the web about the FACT the scripts were leaked. No one can find the actual leaked scripts.Not that I want to find them, anyway.

  9. Dominique Vasilkovsky14 July 2014 at 18:34

    No , that a older version of Hannah's brother Shum'el!!

  10. Hi Dom,

    LOL! That is my big bro, especially when he is arguing with anti-semitic, homophobic, sexist bigots ! But he has a heart of gold really (:

  11. Hi Paul,

    This was Sam's post! But ROFL anyway ! (:

  12. Hi Dom,

    Interesting isn't it? I don't know why they have to bring back Daleks and Davros every year practically. It is almost as if they are contracted to do so! I'd like to see a WHO/Stargate/STNG crossover! Now that WOULD be every geeks dream!

  13. Hi Ziva,

    I'll check this out for you. Alternatively, we could tape them and you could come over to Blighty for a break and we could watch them and catch up with a fab niece of mine!

  14. I don't know, but I don't want to know. I like the fact we aren't given the plots straight away.

  15. LOL! I actually liked the McCoy years of Who, although I remember going to an Who exhibition and someone loudly saying 'that man was a joke!' Who was that?

  16. Hi Fozzie,

    I hope they don't cock it up either. I was a bit worried when I learned that our current Tory government has been musing about the BBC 'outsourcing' or 'selling' stuff like Dr Who. I am weary of it being taken up by an American network, because it is soooo British, it just didn't work when they did that with Paul M. I'm also weary of this apparent holywood film. The Dr isn't like an American hero, who'd have guns and stuff; our dr just has a sonic screwdriver, wit & pluck. And sometimes K-9 !

  17. No way I'll link to them. I don't want to know!

  18. Mccoy Who was actually not that bad.

  19. Is it me or is Jenna Louise Coleman the fittest WHO companion since Aldric?

  20. Gay rights for Gays14 July 2014 at 22:42

    It is you! Jenna is hot, but the HOTTEST WHO companion was ....Vislor Turlough!

  21. The Arbiter of Succession14 July 2014 at 22:46

    NO! NO! NO! NO!


  22. I agree. As the empirical and ration evidence shows :

  23. She looks just like the twins, but with lighter skin tone, short mouse brown hair and not curly black hair ...

  24. Please, we are wondering from the topic which isn't who has the 'fittest' companion on dr who.

  25. LOL! I liked Teal'c, a really hero! (:

  26. Garnel Ironheart15 July 2014 at 15:03

    What bothers me is the lack of diversity.
    The first two Doctors never met Sontarans, the third only once, the fourth twice, the fifth and seventh never and the sixth once. Now we have Strax for comic relief.
    The Third Doctor never met Cybermen. The fourth only once. Now we have them almost every third episode.
    And if two episodes now go by without a Dalek, well I don't know if that's happened since the Ninth's tenure. And what does the latest Series 8 trailer give us? Davros, who must be related to Rory the way he keeps dying and coming back to life, only to die and come back again...
    Hopefully Capaldi will show some diversity and move towards the Valeyard we all know is lurking inside him.

  27. I noticed you've deleted several comments about this, but you've kept one up. Can't think why, eh, Dov? (:

  28. I agree there are NO new aliens that are memorable in the new series. Except the weeping angels are quite good. The silence were a disappointment. They should be more creative .

  29. Because she looks just like his first beloved, albeit I never saw our sister in law in such an immodest and non-Jewish dress!

  30. Eh? How did David end up with such a hot looking babe?

  31. It's like they have a contract to do the daleks every year... do I sense a WHO * conspiracy theory* coming on?


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