Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Hello Conservative America

Well Dudes (using the term in the same sense women Vicars are called Priests and not Priestesses) , 

Via the Daily Mail, this is a Lady called Holly Fisher, from Florida,  who has been causing a bit of cyber storm over various  tweets made on various controversial subjects, that are part of the US culture wars. This has naturally provoked a reaction by liberals who, by default, detest such conservative views. One of her more controversial pictures was the one below (hello!). As I am reasonably familiar with the US and indeed have American ex-pat friends, I am not surprised by any of this as unlike Europe where patriotism, let alone nationalism, is frowned upon, in America this simply isn't the case. Politicians of both left and right  do wrap themselves up in the flag,  have guns & do Jesus-y. Oh yes and then there is the Bible, to wit the 'God bless America' that politicians over there say; in this country you are considered to be fringe or far right if you do so,but over there even Barrack "communist" Obama does so. 

There were unfortunate comparisons between her and a Taliban fighter. This is outrageous and a pretty crap response by liberals for this obviously incorrect comparison. True, this was doubtless done as a form of humour and it is true that  she has conservative views which are not my own and yes she is right wing Christian, but the comparison is ridiculous and makes sensible thoughtful liberals look idiotic in doing so. Besides which, I'll admit, she is hot & babe who knows her own mind, two things that automatically make me warm to her on a personal level. Of course I'd prefer to see her wrapped in the British flag, with a star of David in the background, holding a Torah scroll, rather than a US flag and a Christian Bible, but hey, you can't have everything in life.  One quibble; better tell her about the modesty laws of the Bible, as I'd have thought wearing a low cut top would be slightly risque?  Not that I am bothered, but if you are going to stick to a belief  & let everyone know about it... I could be wrong I guess as perhaps conservative Evangelicals have a different take on modesty viz our own Haredi guys.

In conclusion, I'd support this lady's freedom of speech any day, as I would with any liberal, because this is the civic society that democracy is built upon. 

Not content with the reaction she had generated, Fisher  next posted a photo showing her standing in front of the American flag holding a gun and a copy of the Holy Bible on July 4


  1. That's a big gun and a big bible to match. Good for her in so much as she is standing up for her beliefs and opinions. Although I doubt I'd be in agreement with any of them.

    PS- Men! So visual in that way.. but I guess .at least you are honest by calling her a 'hot babe'.

  2. Interesting analysis there, I agree on the freedom of expression/belief/speech. I am somewhat bemused by the poor comeback from the left. I don't think it does the demos any good for one side to portray the other as stupid, dumb, rednecked types. That doesn't get anyone anywhere.

  3. Well there's a woman with guts and balls and is also good looking.You go girl!!!

  4. Hot! Hot! Hot! Ultra conservative Americans are adorable! And hey they'll be glad of women like this when ISIS come calling. Wonder if the IDF would take her on?

  5. Conservative Christian woman with a gun...you can't get more sexy than that! (except for the IDF Jewish girls of course!).

  6. I see sexism making its way through this thread!

  7. Is RW totty better than LW totty; OR Christian totty verses Orthodox totty?

  8. Another mindless right winger - bible, guns - all wrapped in the flag....how original.

  9. She is my hero. I love her and hope to see a lot more of her. What American socialist liberals do not realize that there are millions and millions of her! Yay!

  10. That's too crude for my tastes.

  11. Shmuel,

    You are Misogynist pig who only cares about boobs and looks ! This is a sexist post, if even I read one!

  12. Why? How? When? I merely pointed out that she was good looking and that she was a woman with an independent mind! What's Misogynist about that? Do you even know the meaning of the world? How is this post sexist?

  13. The picture depends upon a specific assumption in order to create the intended effect. It assumes that liberals will not recognize when liberal stereotypes are being mocked. The reaction confirms the truth of the assumption. To ask "What's the difference?" is to admit you don't realize the picture was intended to provoke that very question.

    But then, it is a truism that there is no sense of humor on the Left.


  14. Schmu'el

    and yes she is right wing Christian

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

    Who learned to be a Conservative at the feet of WFB.

  15. No! Bro isn't a sexist at all, but a gentleman of the highest order.

  16. Sam is many things, but he is NOT a sexist! Don't you guys have any sense of humour?

  17. Atheist Shrugged9 July 2014 at 16:35

    Beautifull woman. If she lost the religious baggage I could quite get into her.

  18. Yossie Abrahams9 July 2014 at 17:24

    The American Conservatives are very supportive of Israel, so they are OK by my book. She is good looking . What is wrong with saying this? If a woman has a nice smile, a personality and quality breasts this is Sexism?

  19. She's kinda cute. Too right wing for me, though (:

  20. Yossie dude, I dunno, but you are clearly a man after my own heart. Some of the chicks just don't like being complimented. Well actually they do because they get equally pissed off if you don't actually say they are good looking. Women eh?

  21. Why should she change because you say so? I thought that went against all atheist logic?

  22. No I'm not. I do like boobs and looks. But that doesn't make me a sexist. It makes me a liberated heterosexual. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

  23. Heh, I like it whatever. As I say, it needs one or two changes to make it perfect. But you can't have everything in life eh?

  24. Not at all. I am sure Americans love her for her views. If you are not a liberal I guess. I've given up trying to fathom American political discourse, although you guys are becoming more like Europe every year in terms of your politics. Yeah, I know that will piss you off, but it is true.The American political parties used to be very broad, with the conservative democrats in the south being a part of the liberal democrats in the north.... & liberal Republicans in New England(like our tory party) along with western Republicans were also moderate, alongside their more conservative fractions. So there was regional difference as well as ideological ones. All very different now with the tea party. How many pro-choice Republicans are there?? Are there any gay Republicans in Congress per chance?

  25. Sophie, but your better half is pro-hunting, shooting, Israel, free markets, privatisation. In fact for British politics she's fairly right wing/ libertarian. Less the god bit& forgetting that she is -obviously- gay- I guess she'd fit in well with the GOP?

  26. Lincoln was no conservative. He was a Whig.

    WFB traces back through Burke.


  27. So was Churchill and they both won large wars ....

  28. If you say so, Paul, I'm not a lesbian, so I wouldn't know.


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