Thursday, 3 July 2014

Reading and other activities for this month

Hi All,

Well tomorrow me and Sarah are going to see my sister Esther for a weekend (and then down to Cornwall for a week). So I shall be quite busy for a bit. Tomorrow is also the 4th July, so I wish our American readership & friends a happy Independence day (even if it was Independence from such a cool country as Great Britain!). So given that I'm busy and David & the rest don't post as often as me, this will also be the week's Shabbos reflection thread as well. Clearly there is much to pray and think over this week, as well as our 'usual' (but in no way insignificant activities and prayers). I am sure that you know what I mean here, if you read the news and this blog regularly : pray for the families and friends of Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, for the Israeli response and for peace generally.

As we are now into the summer months, which include holidays & vacations, I do seem to read more.Whilst my leisure and fun activities include playing  the piano, running, swimming , stargazing , cooking  & having  a couple of glasses of vinto tinto with friends, it also includes a lot of reading.  So July's  reading, alongside Torah study, is:

'The Challenge of Creation: Judaism's Encounter with Science, Cosmology and Evolution' by Rabbi Natan Slifkin

'Future Tense: Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the Twenty-first Century'  by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 

'Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel' by Professor Michio Kaku

'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee

'A game of Battleships' by Toby Frost

I'm also writing a discussion paper for a club I run [ Hannah & friends Thursday club]  which is titled 'On Liberty verses the Guide for the perplexed : John Stuart Mill & Moses Maimonides go head to head over a pint : Discuss' .

What do you guys do for run and leisure? What are you reading or have you read any of the books above before & have anything to say about them and do you have anything you wish to share.


  1. Don't forget to celebrate Independence Day. You could read the "Federalist Papers" in honor of the event.


  2. 'A game of battleships by Toby Frost'.

    Why does the lead in that story remind me of Inspector from Cranmer? ROFL!

  3. Forgot to add, hope you and Sarah have a good 2 week break; will miss you both! Say Hi to Esther & co for all of us and if you are seeing her Ruth as well! x

  4. Thanks Rachel. We will miss you guys too, although it is nice to get away for a couple of weeks. We'll be seeing Ruth on Tuesday and then spending the rest of the time in self -accomodation. You should know as I told you this before ( :

  5. ROFL! But aside from the 'tash and the military uniform, I don't think Inspector is anything like space captain smith, hero of the british space empire!

  6. Hi Sam,

    Well it was much better than Mel Gibson's 'the patriot'!

  7. Hi Carl,

    Is this the bit when I point out it was the French wot won it? (:

  8. Don't forget to try out some cider!

  9. Oh, that film -the patriot - was abysmal! At least indepdence day didn't take itself too seriously.

  10. Hannah,

    The Traveller's prayer, you and Sarah :

    Yehi ratzon milefanecha Ado-nai Eloh-einu veilohei avoseinu shetolicheinu leshalom vesatzideinu leshalom vesadricheinu leshalom vesismecheinu leshalom vesagi’einu limechoz cheftzeinu lechaim ulesimchah uleshalom. vesatzileinu mikaf kol oyeiv ve’oreiv velistim vechayos ra’os baderech umikol puraniyos hamisragshos uva’os le’olam vesishlach berachah bechol ma’aseh yadeinu vesitneini lechein ulechesed ulerachamim be’einecha uveinei chol ro’einu vesigmeleinu chasadim tovim vesishma kol tefilaseinu ki Atah shomei’ah tefilas kol peh. Baruch Atah Ado-nai shomei’ah tefilah. Amen

    May it be Your will, G-d, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that You should lead us in peace and direct our steps in peace, and guide us in peace, and support us in peace, and cause us to reach our destination in life, joy, and peace . Save us from every enemy and ambush, from robbers and wild beasts on the trip, and from all kinds of punishments that rage and come to the world. May You confer blessing upon the work of our hands and grant me grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us, and bestow upon us abundant kindness and hearken to the voice of our prayer, for You hear the prayers of all. Blessed are You G-d, who hearkens to prayer. Amen.

  11. Hannah/Sarah,

    Have a good time. You'll have to come over to Israel at some time. Is all the food Kosher? Oh and I'm just reading 'Lady Chatterly's lover', as I'm a great intellectual.

  12. Mel Gibson films are in my humble opinion- shit!

  13. How are we going to cope with Hannah's cooking??? It'll 2 weeks of living of baked beans, kebabs or worse... McCdonalds!

  14. Sorry S/B "Without Hannah's cooking"

  15. I hope they'll have a safe journey.

  16. Greetings, Kavanaghs all.

  17. Greetings Explorer.

    Hah! I guess you need to be put on the reading list with your various essays. Haven't checked blog in a while. Busy you see.


  18. Um, I thought I'd read Dovbear's book....


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