Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Speaking out against Global Anti-semitism


David here. Our Haredi brothers have got this one right
"As Israel applies itself to the task of rooting out terrorists in Gaza, and destroying their tunnels and rocket launchers, there have been, as always when Israel acts to defend herself, condemnations of her effort to protect her citizens from an enemy bent on murdering them. 
Seizing on the tragic consequences of even as just a war as the one Israel is conducting against Hamas, the condemners vehemently protest Israel’s actions – and, in the time-honored tradition of Jew-hatred, wax violent against Jews, wherever they may be. 
And so, we have come to witness over recent weeks hatred and violence directed toward Jewish communities in France and other countries. Such incidents are reminiscent of an earlier, darker time in our history when hatred of Jews was openly and unabashedly expressed both verbally and physically. Witnessing these attacks today is a stark and chilling reminder that the scourge of anti-Semitism remains a malignant reality in the modern world. 
Without questioning the sentiments or actions of the French government, or of the other governments involved, the fact that these incidents have primarily taken place in Europe, where just decades ago many “ordinary citizens” were complicit in the persecution and extermination of Jews, is not lost on us. Neither is the fact that these incidents come at a time of sharply rising anti-Semitism among the European populace, as indicated in various polls and studies. 
The pretense that these attacks are not anti-Semitic, but merely a reaction to current events in the Middle East, is cynical and decidedly false. When a Paris mob besieges and throws bricks at a synagogue with 200 congregants inside, it is anti-Semitism. When a synagogue north of Paris is firebombed on Friday night and sustains damage, it is anti-Semitism. When a 17-year-old girl — referred to as a “dirty Jewess” — is assaulted on a Paris street by having her face pepper-sprayed, it is anti-Semitism. When a kosher grocery is torched in the Parisian suburb of Sarcelles, it is anti-Semitism. When a Moroccan rabbi is pummeled into unconsciousness as he is walking to synagogue, it is anti-Semitism. When anti-Israel demonstrations in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Spain, Turkey and other countries are accompanied with calls to “slaughter the Jews,” with chants of “death to the Jews,” with slogans like “Hitler was right,” it is anti-Semitism. Pure and simple. 
We have raised these concerns with our State Department and have been assured that these developments, and their grave implications, are being taken by our government with the utmost seriousness. We have every faith and confidence that the United States will not stand by idly and that these blatant manifestations of animus against Jews will be responded to in a meaningful and effective manner."


  1. Well said. It is clear that French Jews are bearing the brunt of this, after the various pogroms (thankfully without loss of life, so far). I hope that the police protect the Jewish community and they get out as quickly as possible. Yet another Jewish community ethnically cleansed due to Jew haters.

  2. A well written statement. I wonder if our prayers are having an effect on our Haredi brothers and sisters? (:

    In respect of the post itself, I think we should pray, say Psalms and do what we can, but for each other . Those in Israel remember us in the diaspora and vica versa. We are all one nation and community. And we are all suffering one way or another.

  3. Hi Esther

    That is such a good idea and way of thinking about things (:

  4. Hannah,

    I am glad that they are mentioning events outside of their circle; the French under attack are Sephardi for example. Perhaps the US Haredi are a bit more advanced in thinking that their Israeli counterparts? I dunno but it does feel reassuring that someone in Jewish leadership is raising this as an issue.

  5. Esther,

    Brilliant suggestion! That is they way things should be ,btw (:

  6. Agree with you there Ruth. I think we all need to stick together and pray that the IDF can do its job quickly and thoroughly.

  7. Atheist Shrugged22 July 2014 at 23:02

    Pointing out the obvious madness. It seems that that Israel is immune from criticism. Anyone who does so is assumed to be a tacit anti Semite. The illegal occupation of palestine is now seen as the accepted nor such that Palestinians resisting it are now depicted as the villains

  8. London's Willy22 July 2014 at 23:02

    Until we humans realize that the "I'm special in the eyes of god, allah" etc is all bullshit and that we are all just humans with slightly different views on how and why we are here on earth, all this senseless killing and horror will persist.Surely by now both sides must see that this violence that has been around for hundreds of years is only going to recycle its self for generations to come unless we cast aside all our narrow minded and indoctrinated belief systems and come to some sort of generic and universal agreement as to how we humans should behave towards one another... before it is too late !

  9. To be fair it isn't as if you even try to be intelligent or non-partisan. You just come up with a load of ghastly rot about Israel and Jewish people. So you deserve the comebacks you get here.

  10. I believe Jews are chosen by G-d, but I don't see that as a bad thing. Our mission of chosenness is to show G-d as a light to this world by our actions. What is narrow minded or indoctrinating about that? And why isn't atheism narrow minded or indoctrinating ? It not as if secular theology is in some kind of 'neutral' position to disern this any more than any other faith or creed.

  11. Well said. I am particularly worried about our brothers and sisters in France, where pogroms are returning. All the more reason why Israel HAS TO exist to protect against Jew hate & why we can't buckle against terrorists. I agree with Esther's suggestion below.

    Also note that wanker at the UN is telling us to be 'restrained'. Typical Arab bloc/ corrupt load of crock that the UN actually is!

  12. LOL! The problem is with terrorists such as Hamas, not the Pals themselves

  13. I heard there is also talk of saying Israel has committed war crimes!? Can you believe it, less that 70- yes 70 years- after the Shoah this is how we are being demonised yet again!! What about all the REAL terrible regimes in the world? Why does no-one give a shit about them??

  14. Terrorism is terrorism. Simple as that.

  15. I can't believe it! Israel goes out of her way to protect civilians; Hamas puts civilians into harms way!!

  16. Has the world learned nothing? The Jew hate that is being exposed only reinforces my view that there HAS to be an Israel for Jewish people. Depressing, but that is the way it seems to be.


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