So another day and another bombardment of terrorist rockets from Gaza into Israel. I would remind readers that Hamas do not target military installations but civilians, such as occurred during this Israeli marriage ceremony:
I also read that there have been calls for 'restraint' on both sides. Rubbish! There is no moral equivalence between a democratic state undertaking military action to defend her citizens against illegal and violent terrorism and the terrorists themselves. Terrorists who take aid and use it in pursuit of war, who use their own civilians as human shields, impose a tyranny upon their lands and who want nothing more than to destroy the Jewish state and expel Jews from their historic homeland. So this blog won't have any of it. The terrorists either stop hurting Jews for being Jews or Israel will do it for them. I dislike war and conflict, but this is a war to protect Jews and the Jewish homeland. Therefore it is one that must be undertaken, however reluctantly.
As Bibi once said :
"The truth is that If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war;if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel".
With respect, to compare the launching of missiles at Israeli from Gaza and the Israeli response is absurd. These missiles are relatively low-tech and Israelis have a high-tech defence system to take them out as well as air-raid warnings and shelters. Gazans have no defence system and no air raid warnings protecting them from very high-technology Israeli weaponry. Look at the relative casualty statistics of the last few days or those of the 2012 Israeli strikes on Gaza. I don’t believe the response of Israel has to involve the necessary killing and injuring of so many civilians and given the demographics of Gaza and the military technology and firepower that Israeli exploits in such operations, such large scale killing and injuries are inevitable. In other words, the Israeli leadership and military carry out these operations knowing they are going to cause huge Palestinian casualties.
ReplyDeleteIllegal Actions equate to Illegal Reactions. Hamas is merely responding to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land. Israel continues to violate international law.
ReplyDeleteIf Israel would stop it's illegal destruction of Palestine through carpet bombing of civilian areas, use of excessive force, bulldozing of many homes, forcing pregnant women to give birth at checkpoints, and ultimately allowing for a One-State solution, then maybe Hamas would stop the Rockets which barely cause any damage anyway.
One only needs to look at the statistics of casualties on both sides to see who's doing all the killing. Israel is the only leech that gains from this ongoing bloody conflict. More violence = More opportunities for Israel.
When will Israel learn that when you oppress a people and they feel they have nothing left they will fight back even harder as they have nothing to lose. Israel will never have peace till it returns ALL the occupied territories and removes the ILLEGAL settlements. Until then she doesn't even deserve peace. Its about time we started imposing sanctions upon Israel and forced them to sign up to the NPT. If they refuse, we shouldn't rule out military intervention. Israel is not above international law.
ReplyDeletePlease stop just making stuff up; Hamas has TOLD civilians to climb onto the roofs of suspected terrorist houses, not to flee when there is a bombing raid. What find of 'leadership' of a people tells its civilians to do that. The rockets themselves, sophisticated or not are capable of killing and terrorising.However good the iron dome system is, this is still a piece of tech, which is still fallible.
ReplyDeleteSo you are basically agreeing with terrorism now? How sick. Oh and Israel doesn't 'carpet bomb' anything, as you fully well know. If it did, this conflict would have been over long ago. But because Israel is a democratic republic, she chooses not to do so and abide by international protocols. Something which Hamas does not do.
ReplyDelete"she doesn't even deserve peace"
ReplyDeleteSums up your pathetic mentality. As for the rest. Perhaps the west could start off with intervention in :
1. Iraq
2. Syria
Atheist Shrugged
ReplyDeletewe shouldn't rule out military intervention. Israel is not above international law
1. Who's the 'we' you have in mind?
2. What "international law?"
Or if 'we' are really so concerned about peoples being dispossessed, then perhaps 'we' should intervene in Tibet to enforce "International law." No, wait. That would mean a real f***Ing shooting war with China. 'We' aren't going to sign up for that. Screw Tibet.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, why are 'we' suddenly talking about Tibet when 'we' have to address the outrageous dispossession of Palestine?
There isn't any will to do this, especially if there is no clear and present danger to the US or allies. That is the bottom line. Until the oil supplies are threatened they'll not do anything. Even then, I reckon they'd be a push for some form of appeasement (see Iran).
ReplyDeleteI reckon, bud, even if Israel gave the Pals everything they wanted and more, that still wouldn't be enough. Oh, look that happened in 2000, when Arafat refused a very generous peace offer.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this article. Sound.
ReplyDeleteGood point and well illustrating the flaws in the Atheists argument.
This is the biggest load of crap I've ever read. You've just thrown your brain away and entered the world of fairy land.Israel is defending itself from Hamas Islamists firing rockets since 2005 into Israel ...
ReplyDeleteHamas, for religious and political reasons, wants to exterminate the Jew (not only in the Middle East). That is no secret. You can trawl the internet and sink your boat with their formal declarations in this regard and, if you're not yet blind as a consequence of the stratospheric quantities of garbage rehashed in these posts about why and who, blah, blah, you can simply read the Hamas Charter.
ReplyDeleteIt would also be useful to look at arab and Palestinian rejectionism of Israel and the jewish presence in Palestine since 1920 or so. If you don't do history beyond 60 years or so, go back to the period of Nov 1947-49. If that is too taxing, just look at the history between ' 49 and '67.
The Palestinians are defending themselves from a racist, settler-colonial occupier for 70 years.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Palestinians are defending themselves from a racist, settler-colonial occupier for 70 years.
ReplyDeleteYou write with sincerity Frum or out of ignorance?
ReplyDeleteConsider the origin of the majority of the Gazan population: for this is a herded and now contained people who in 1947 and 1948, were uprooted from their homes elsewhere to the north and east.
That initial "occupation" is ongoing ..and Gaza is the "concentration camp" that continues to hold an 'unwanted people' who are forbidden from returning to their home territories - contrary to understandings entered into in 1948, as hostilities with neighbouring states ceased.
Go back to Mossad's Social Media Training School - this is a fail
ReplyDeleteOne has to repeat again and again, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is against International law ! The UN needs to act to force Israel to abide by it , to stop the Palestinians being overrun by invaders, humiliators, robbery and theft on a grand scale and then let's speak of their human rights, to education to food and clean water, to move about freely, to travel.....the list is long.Israel wants land and gas and everything else that ever belonged and belongs to Palestinians.
ReplyDeletePalestine is cruelly run by an occupying force. Palestine has no partner for peace. Tibet has always been run by China. The two cases are different.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it is always the same comments from Israeli activists. They are just incapable of seeing the other side. Gaza is basically a giant prison camp created by Israel. If they were white how attitudes would change. Israelis are in an illegal occupation of land that does not belong to them. Why should Palestinians accept confinement and invasion? They are fighting for freedom from Israelis and the right of self-determination.. Give them their country back and all will be well.
ReplyDeleteAtheist Shrugged
ReplyDelete'The UN needs to act to force Israel to abide by it [International law]
ReplyDeleteLuckily, the Israelis can take care of themselves, otherwise they would all have been murdered by now.
Long live Israel
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that will stop the Israeli army and the only thing that should stop the Israeli army is the total defeat of Hamas, and their ability to start wars and fire rockets at civilians. The fact that no Israelis have been killed while 80 Palestinians have been killed is only because of Hamas' inability to kill as many as they try to and want to. Israel should treat Hamas for what they are : the elected government representing the people of Gaza and the should continue to do what any other government would do under the same circumstances - continue the attacks until either Hamas surrenders or is destroyed . All the whining by the posters below wanting other people to step in and restrain Israel from fighting back and fight Hamas' battles for them will be rightfully ignored. And if the Palestinians in Gaza do not like what Hamas as their elected government has brought on their heads then let them be the ones to get rid of Hamas and then there can be peace.
ReplyDeleteWell said. The IDF learned some time ago that if they wait for the western left to give them permission to defend themselves, there would be none of of us left to defend. We have therefore quite sensibly and pragmatically ceased to give a stuff what those who wish them ill think off us.
I think you need to take a cold shower and a history lesson chump and yes I am sincere in my posts.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I've said as much in the other article, but this is an articulate summary of what I have been trying to argue.